My kind of Love.

A girl which i have feeling for.
Feeling is a strange thing, it has always been there playing me. But it is the feeling that lead me to countless courage moments.
There is a scene from the movie "We bough A Zoo", it says:
"You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And i promise you, something great will come of it."
I wish to apply this insane courage if i have the chance to confess to her.
The very first girl that i wanted to confess my love with. The very first that i saw goodness and fell into it.
Love is a strange thing, no doubt of it. Once you get the taste of it. You are in addiction. A feeling long for companionship. You felt what the other feel. The feeling is connected somehow. I became so attached and emotional.
Sometime i realized, when i fell in love, it was just love, no reason, just love. You even wonder why do you even love this person so much. But it is just everything about that person that makes you love more. But then, when it is at the end stage, it will all be about reasons.
We should accept someone whole as it is. Sometime, we will say something like: "Why are you like this? Can you change?" What we don't get is, we are not accepting that person as who he or she is. I always emphasize this in my life. "For things to change, I must change first" Many relationship destroyed because they never realize it was easier for them self to change rather than their partner. Sometime we just don't realize it was our bad behaviours that make our partner changed.
For me, love is when you see that person is smiling, you will smile, when cry, you will cry. No matter what that person choose, you will support and sincerely wish only the best could ever happen. Love is just love, there is no reason for it. Love has countless definitions and expressions. Unconditional love is what i seek.
Accepting someone flaws and imperfections, that is love.
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